Archives mensuelles : juin 2016

Histoire du jeu – Montréal

Je serai à Montréal cette semaine pour le symposium annuel de l’histoire du jeu. J’y présenterai mon projet de base de données regroupant ma collection de pamphlet de jeu vidéo d’arcade japonais tout en faisant la démonstration de l’utilité d’utiliser ce genre de matériel afin d’approfondir notre connaissance du jeu d’arcade, mais surtout de l’espace du game center japonais.

La conférence elle-même porte sur les questions gravitant autour de la préservation du jeu vidéo.

C’est gratuit et ouvert au public.


Digital Scholarship in the Humanities Guidelines

I could not attend Congress this year, but my colleagues from the University of Alberta had the chance to present the latest updates of our twitter analysis project that our research group worked on during the past year. I am glad this project continues to reach the broader academic community once again.

Geoffrey Rockwell shared a document of interest following the conference. The Digital Scholarship in the Humanities Guideline document was presented at this year at the CSDH/SCHN conference as a document to help the academic community to establish guidelines regarding the evaluation of work in the digital humanities that takes forms other than papers or articles. This is worth reading for any students working in the humanities looking to submit DH projects as part of the requirements of their degree, as well as instructors who have to review or mark them.

Arcade and Game Center Chirashi Database 1.1

I just finished upgrading the Arcade and Game Center Chirashi Database with the latest documents I gathered during my research trip earlier this year. I also made a handful of little improvements, just enough to warrant a version change. Here is the full list:

  • Added documents acquired from January to April 2016
  • Added database values for tags, researchers, timestamp and venue
  • Added new type of query in relation to the Playing in Public project: Game Center
  • Multiple code enhancement

I did not implement the tag system in the search query modules yet as I do not know how to implement it in an efficient manner yet. I also need to upgrade the viewer page for plain readability. This will be part of a future update.